LECTURES: Journal of Islamic and Education Studies 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Ibnu Rusydi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>LECTURES: Journal of Islamic and Education Studies</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Islamic Education. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: Islamic Education Researcj, Islamic Teaching in Schools, Islamic Learning in Madrasah, Islamic Learning in Islamic Boarding Schools, Learning Islamic Religion in Higher Education, Islamic Education Philoshopy, Curriculum in Islamic Education, Islamic Education Management, Tafsir Tarbawy, Hadith Tarbawy, and Innovation in Islamic Teaching and Learning. The journal is published four times a year (March, June, September and December).</p> The Image of the Muslim Woman in Western Thought 2024-05-23T23:09:35+00:00 Mekki Klaina <p>This study explores the depiction of Muslim women in Western thought, critically analyzing the entrenched stereotypes and biases. It specifically addresses three prevalent allegations: the supposed oppression of women via Islamic dress codes, incidents of violence against women in Islamic contexts, and alleged discrimination between genders under Islamic law. Utilizing a critical analytical method, the research juxtaposes Islamic teachings with Western criticisms using both Islamic and Western references. Findings indicate that Western portrayals of Muslim women often lack depth and fail to consider the socio-religious contexts of Islamic practices. For example, while the hijab is portrayed in the West as a symbol of oppression, it is often embraced by Muslim women as a mark of modesty and dignity. The study also points out that issues like domestic violence and gender discrimination are globally prevalent and not exclusive to Islamic societies. It concludes that critiques grounded in Western secular and modernist values without an understanding of the Islamic perspective lead to distorted views of Islam. This research aims to bridge understanding and foster dialogue between Western and Islamic perspectives on women's rights and status, suggesting that while some areas in Muslim societies need reform, the overarching Western critique may not fully grasp the nuanced realities of Muslim women's lives.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mekki Klaina Sunni-Shia Views of the Status of ‘Adalah's Companions of the Prophet 2024-04-25T00:15:00+00:00 Mahasin Haikal Amanullah Muhammad Adip Fanani <p>Hadith science is a science that is closely related to history. A hadith can be said to be authentic if it has the quality of continuous sanad and fair narrators. The problem is, in moving towards justice, there are striking differences between Sunnis and Shiites. Sunnis are of the view that all the companions of the Prophet must be 'just. So there is no need to doubt the hadith narrated by them. On the other hand, the Shiites consider that they all apostated after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and they died as infidels. As a result of this disbelief, the friends are automatically eliminated from being fair. Because the first condition for justice is Islam. Each of these two groups quoted many verses from the Koran and hadith to strengthen their arguments. This article will explain the polemic of the debate on the nature of justice between Sunnis and Shiites. Firstly by explaining the meaning of Companions, the views of the two groups, and finally criticizing the opinions and arguments used by the two groups above. This research uses the library research method by examining the opinions expressed by the ulama, including the interpretation of verses, hadith sharah, and the ijtihad of the fuqoha'.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahasin Haikal Amanullah, Muhammad Adip Fanani Demonstration Method as an Effort to Improve Fiqh Learning Outcomes for MI Al Aziz Probolinggo Students 2024-04-25T00:09:16+00:00 Devy Habibi Muhammad Nurlaila Maulidiyah nurlailamaulidiyah267@gmail.coom <p>This journal discusses efforts to improve the academic achievement of third-grade students at MI Al-Aziz, located in the Kanigaran District of Probolinggo Regency. The research focuses on the implementation of the demonstration method in the Fiqih subject for third-grade students at MI Al-Aziz and its impact on students' learning achievement. The attention is directed towards the low academic achievement of students, which has not yet reached the minimum passing grade of 75. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) method is employed as an approach to address this issue. The research results indicate an improvement in students' learning achievement when the demonstration method is applied from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. In Cycle 1, approximately 64.71% of students achieved proficiency, while in Cycle 2, this figure increased to around 82.35%. These findings affirm that the demonstration method is effective in enhancing students' learning achievement. Therefore, based on the results of this research, it is recommended that teachers adopt the demonstration method in teaching, making adjustments according to the appropriate material for application with the demonstration method.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Devy Habibi Muhammad, Nurlaila Maulidiyah Understanding the Concept of Rulership According to al-Ghazali in Nasīhat Al-Mulūk and Machiavelli in The Prince: A Comparative Analysis 2024-05-23T23:07:46+00:00 Nur Adillah Omar <p>The objective of this study is to analyse the concept of rulership according to the perspectives of two scholars from the area of political philosophy, namely al-Ghazali and Machiavelli. It is important to fully understand the concept of rulership according to these two scholars as presented in their books <em>Nasīhat al-Mulūk</em> and <em>The Prince</em> in order to know the basis of political systems advocated by al-Ghazali and Machiavelli in relation to the advice they gave to their respective rulers in ruling the states during their time. It is necessary to research on this since their respective views on rulership are not only for the people who lived in the past, but also for the present and future generations. Of course, both scholars have contradictory views. Al-Ghazali upholds religion as the foundation of his political approach, whereas Machiavelli is a secular thinker, who detaches religion and morality for the foundation of his political approach. However, both scholars use the same framework of political system, which is the authoritarian political system framework, in giving advice to the rulers in governing their states. Thus, this thesis analyses the concept of rulership in order to justify the authoritarian style of political system that has been theorised by both al-Ghazali and Machiavelli, based on <em>Nasīhat al-Mulūk</em> and <em>The Prince</em> respectively using Juan Linz’s framework of authoritarian political system which are 1) limited pluralism, 2) mentally, 3) mobilization and 4) leadership.I used qualitative methodology, which is library research and content analysis in analysing the concept. In conclusion, based on the books, <em>Nasīhat al-Mulūk</em> by al-Ghazali and <em>The Prince </em>by Machiavelli, both scholars advocated authoritarian political system in giving advice to the rulers.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Adillah Omar Faith-Based Understanding: A Trialogic Perspective within the Abrahamic Religions 2024-03-17T03:48:51+00:00 Ab Majeed Ganaie <p>In contemporary times, the world is facing many challenges, some of which are perplexed notions about the different ethnic communities. Among the major faith-based ethnicities are Abrahamic religions. These religions are centuries old and have shared a legacy as well. However, despite the fact that their shared legacy should have brought them together and become a source of peace for the rest of the ethnicities, there are many perplexities. Therefore, a process that is a prerequisite to come to the rescue is trialogue. This study attempts to investigate the possibilities and grounds essential for trialogue. This study highlights the origins and fundamental relationships among Abrahamic traditions. It explores the ways and means to understand the perplexities among the traditions. Therefore, this paper uses descriptive and analytical research to examine the need for and importance of a trialogue. The present research finds that on the basis of doctrinal similarity, ethical, and moral obligations understood by the three Abrahamic traditions, there is a clear ground on the basis of which trialogue can be started, and most of the issues and confusions can be erased. This paper has also highlighted some moral duties for a fruitful trialogue process.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ab Majeed Ganaie تأثير دراسة كتاب الأمثلة التصريفية على كفائة الطلاب في تغيير المفردات العربية بمعهد نشئة المتعلمين بلومبونغان بامكاسان 2024-04-25T00:02:29+00:00 Abdul Malik Saif Ababil Ainul Yaqin <p>يعتبر هدف هذا البحث العلمي 1) لمعرفة تأثير دراسة كتاب الأمثلة التصريفية على كفاءة الطلاب في تغيير المفردات العربية لطلاب معهد نشئة المتعلمين بلومبونغان بامكاسان 2) لمعرفة مدى تأثير دراسة كتاب الأمثلة التصريفية على كفاءة الطلاب في تغيير المفردات العربية بمعهد نشئة المتعلمين بلومبونغان بامكاسان. النوع من هذا البحث هو البحث الكمي باستخدام تقنيات تحليل البيانات الارتباطية ، أي لوصف حقيقتين أو أكثر وخصائص الشيء الذي تتم دراسته. أما مستخلص نتائج هذا البحث فهي أولا : أن لا توجد علاقة ارتباط قوية وذات دلالة بين دراسة كتاب الأمثلة التصريفية على كفائة الطلاب في تغيير المفردات العربية. ثانيا : تظهر نتائج اختبار الارتباط اللحظي لمنتج بيرسون باستخدام تطبيق SPSS والحسابات اليدوية أن قيمة ارتباط بيرسون هي (0.025) مع Sig. (0.897). ثم بناءً على جدول الارتباط ، تشير قيمة r (0.025) إلى مستوى ارتباط ضعيف جدًا. ثم النتيجة الرسمية لهذا البحث أن دراسة كتاب الأمثلة التصريفية لا توجد علاقة أو لا تتأثرت على كفاءة الطلاب في تغيير المفردات العربية بمعهد نشئة المتعلمين بلومبونغان بامكاسان.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Malik Saif Ababil, Ainul Yaqin The Importance of Social Capital in the Development of Religion Among University’s Students: A Case Study from Pakistan 2024-03-17T03:51:58+00:00 Muhammad Asad Latif <p>Participation in congregational gatherings serves as a reflection of a person's religiosity. Such involvement promotes the creation of social capital. Family, friends, and neighborhood informal networks are significant producers of social capital and excellent venues for spreading religious ideas. Social capital and religion derive from the same roots. The current study investigates how social capital influences young people's religious development. Purposive sampling was used in the qualitative investigation. The sample consists of educated young women from Bahawalpur, Pakistan. From a place of learning, 25 in-depth interviews and 5 focus group discussions were done. Themes and narratives were used to analyze the data. The results imply that culture, environment, and family play significant roles in the development of religion. In conclusion, religious traditions have lost their essence and are becoming more and more materialistic.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Asad Latif